Losing Weight

What we lose is what we must try to find again

Saying we are losing weight is really sending the wrong message to the brain. Because what we lose is what we must make every effort to find again. Perhaps that’s why so many of us are on the roller coaster of weight loss followed by instant and rapid weight gain.

Slimming becomes much more difficult as you get older. The metabolism slows down, and all the treats, snacks and alcohol just go straight to the waistline and the hips. If you’ve ever played Monopoly

– do not pass go

– do not collect your £200

Just go straight to the hips!

One of the problems of ageing is that the digestive system has taken a battering over the years. The liver may not be functioning properly and you may have low level diabetes, both of which will make it harder to shed weight. If the body has developed intolerance to certain foods, it won’t know how to deal with this and will just store these foods as fat.

Then there’s the Thyroid gland which is often out of balance or which under reacts the older we get. The Thyroid is responsible for a great many of the functions of our bodies, including the regulation of weight. If the Thyroid is sluggish shedding weight becomes very difficult.

Then there’s the mindset which needs to be tackled before even beginning on any sort of diet.

This includes

  • the compulsion to reward ourselves with food
  • the knowledge that an emotional pain can be temporarily eased by eating sweets, pastries, chocolate.
  • and, of course, the knowledge that drinking alcohol will not only ease the pain – but will make us temporarily forget.

There are also the beliefs of scarcity – that there is not enough and that you have to eat while food is available. When I was growing up, we were all told that we must not waste food and must finish off everything on our plates because of the poor starving children in Biafra or in China. Of course, if we didn’t finish our food the poor starving children would not have benefitted, and what we did was to teach ourselves to overeat.  This way of thinking was drummed into us after WW11 because food had been rationed and many foods were not available. So there was a much greater respect for food and the whole process of growing it and making it available to everyone. As someone who grew up with that – I think it is all wrong the way we waste food, especially as in many parts of the world there is not enough to eat.

My rethink on this is: – rather than finish off a large portion of food instead of wasting it, learn to take smaller portions and take more if still hungry. It’s surprising how much less is needed to satisfy the appetite.

There are so many diets available and they won’t all suit you. So when deciding which one to do – pick one with foods you like and which you think you can keep to. If you hate every minute and think of it as torture and deprivation, you will soon break the diet and probably go on a binge to make up for the disappointment.

But it is pointless to start on any diet if you haven’t prepared.

  • Exercise regularly to increase your metabolic rate and to burn off the excess fat. Once a week is not enough!
  • Cut out the foods you are sensitive or intolerant to. They can often block the process of shedding weight.
  • If you think your body doesn’t react well enough – get your liver, thyroid and sugar levels checked.
  • Take a look at some of your beliefs around eating. If your beliefs are making you put the weight right back on, consider seeing a Theta Healer who will help you to remove them and to install beliefs which will serve you better

If you would like to learn more about Theta Healing and how it can help remove beliefs which don’t serve you:-

Call me on: 07979538378

Email me at: debbie.talalay@gmail.com

Or go to my website to find out how Theta Healing and Homeopathy could help you. www.

Allergies and Sensitivities

In my last article I talked about the allergies and sensitivities so many of us have, and how we are beginning to see more and more people suffering with reactions to various foods.

Allergy is an overused word. I found a definition of allergy which says:

“Properly defined, allergy is the condition which results from the introduction    into the body of certain substances, usually proteins, which cause a disease complex called allergy”

What most people are suffering with is hypersensitivity.

It used to be that if anyone had an allergy it would be to pollen and they – poor souls – would sneeze and weep and scratch their way through the summer suffering with Hay Fever.

You would almost never hear of people with food allergies and intolerances. People were happy to eat pretty well everything that was put in front of them – with the exception of school dinners. And even though they might prefer one food to another – no-one talked about becoming ill from what they ate.

Of course some of this was because allergy went largely undiagnosed – so people suffered without knowing the cause of their suffering.

But lack of diagnosis does not account for the huge increase of people who respond badly to various foods.  My belief is that over the years our immune systems have become severely compromised.

This is partly because our immune systems are being challenged on a daily basis by the chemicals we use to spray our crops. These chemicals are invaluable in ensuring that pests do not destroy the crops – but were never intended to be taken internally.

We are also choosing to eat foods which are harmful to us in such great quantities that they undermine our whole metabolic process.

During the Second World War, processed foods, sugars and fats were rationed, and people were forced to rely on basic but nutritious foods. Health improved in the UK quite dramatically.

Nowadays our food contains:

  • Pesticides
  • Colourings
  • Other E numbers and additives – which are used as preservatives for longer shelf life.
  • Hormones – used to promote growth in the animal
  • Water injected into the meat to produce greater weight

Our food does not contain the vitamins, minerals and trace elements needed for our maintenance

  • because the soil is barren and over farmed
  • because the food has been processed and the nutrients lost (though sometimes the Vits/ Mins are added back in)
  • the nutrients have been killed by overcooking

It is astonishing that in this country of plenty, so many of us should be suffering from nutrient deficiency.

Nutrient deficiency upsets the whole metabolic process, and then it becomes more difficult to convert the complex substances into simple ones for the use of the body, which uses them to build complex tissues. Foods are not broken down properly in the gut and when the body tries to use them, they cannot be absorbed properly and often have a harmful effect.

The body builds up a resistance to these improperly digested foods and so begins intolerance and then allergy.

A huge industry has built up around allergies.

We are now able to buy foods free from

  • Wheat
  • Gluten
  • Dairy
  • Eggs
  • Nuts

The list goes on.

And while this is important and necessary to the people who suffer with allergies it is worrying that there are enough people who suffer from food intolerance to have created this industry.

Food reactions can affect us in so many ways.

We are familiar with the blocked nose, the constantly runny nose, the streaming eyes, blocked sinuses, permanent catarrh and headaches.

Allergies can also affect the skin, producing spots, rashes and raised wheals

The skin can become hard and dry, the heels cracked.

Allergies can affect breathing and provoke asthma attacks.

People are unable to sleep properly and often their energy is affected. They will become sleepy if they eat something which disagrees. Alternatively, you can see children responding to the colourings and additives in food by becoming wild and hyperactive.

The digestive system will usually react with;

Nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea or constipation.

Bloating, wind and heartburn.

Weight gain – or the inability to thrive and to put on weight.

The most under acknowledged reactions caused by allergies are in the mental and emotional spheres.

The inability to concentrate or think coherently

The change in personality – often making people rude and aggressive.

I remember listening to a talk by a lady who had been in charge of an institute for young offenders. She realised that a lot of these kids were having an extreme reaction to the junk food they were eating. She started to change the food served in this institution. At first – these teenagers were furious that they were no longer allowed the food that they usually ate.  But as they gradually calmed down they realised how different they felt. Eventually – they were entrusted to go on

supervised shopping trips to buy additive free food.  They took an active interest in their shopping expeditions and in their own mental and physical health.

Usually, the numbers of offenders who re-offend after release and get locked up again is very high.  But with these children the number was extremely low.

It made me wonder how many of society’s ills could be attributed to reaction to what we eat.

Chocolate is the answer – the question is pretty much irrelevant

I sometimes wonder why it is that you never hear about addiction to broccoli or spinach? Do you crave cabbage or curly kale or something that might do you some good?

We might like them a lot – but we don’t have to have them in large quantities and we can usually stop eating after a reasonable portion without craving more.

Cravings and addictions are usually for junk food – sugar and fats and of course – chocolate. The comfort foods.

Remember back to when you were a small child. Were you given chocolate or sweets to make it better? Or an ice cream as a reward for being a good girl/boy or for not making a fuss – or for getting over a disappointment?

So its not much of a surprise when we automatically turn to these foods when we want to reward ourselves or need to make ourselves feel better.

What if there’s been lots of disappointments which are too painful to acknowledge? And what if we pacify ourselves with the reward we like best every time we feel bad? Then feeling better is associated with these rewards and gradually you can only feel better if you have a chocolate bar or an ice cream and nothing else will give you the same feeling.

These foods are never great for our bodies at the best of times and if you eat them regularly and in quantity they will eventually have an effect on the body’s metabolism and digestive system.

What we crave can also be as a result of a food sensitivity. When I find that a client has a weak immune system I look for foods which they love. I often find that these foods are the very thing that they are sensitive to and that the body doesn’t know what to do with, and so will set up a craving. If that is the sole reason for the addiction and you stop eating that food – the craving very quickly goes with it.

Eating sweets, chocolates and sugary foods is responsible for a lot of poor health. The way our bodies deal with sugar is finely balanced. When the system is overloaded the pancreas begins to function less well, insulin production fluctuates and you can eventually end up with diabetes. While the body struggles with the overload we don’t feel good. This has an effect on the emotions – we don’t feel wonderful when the body isn’t working well. So what happens? We have some more chocolate or cake to make these feelings go away.

Then there’s the terrible guilt for being weak willed – for having finished an entire box of chocolates on one’s own, or like Bridget Jones – a huge tub of ice cream in front of the television.

How to make the guilty feelings go away? By having another chocolate bar of course!

There’s a combination of triggers that support food addictions.

• The body trying to adjust itself to the overload sends out alarm signals which might make you eat more sugar.
• The subconscious search for something to relieve anxiety and emotional pain.
• The habit of eating certain foods at certain times and in certain situations

We have learned that the most effective way to relieve distress is by having something in our mouth. Since birth – unless we’ve been fed to a strict time schedule – the moment we started screaming we were given the breast, a bottle or a pacifier. This usually stopped the screaming and its also where we began to understand that if we put something in our mouths we felt better.

Trying to break a food addiction is not easy. The person with an addiction feels powerless. The addiction rules them and they are its slave.

Its not just the food which has become an addiction – its also the habit which needs to be broken, and all the underlying emotions that go with it need to be looked at. To successfully overcome an addiction all these things have to be understood and addressed.

I have found through my work with Theta Healing and NLP that all these issues can be dealt with, and that the addiction when it is no longer anchored in the emotions and by habit can be effectively resolved.

If you would like help with an addiction

Please call me on – 07979538 378 to find out more

Go to my website www. I have given an explanation on Theta Healing and how it works.

If you click on the page – What clients have said – you will see how they have overcome some of the anxieties which lie beneath addiction.